Diabetic Testing
Our reputation, built on years of experience, has made us a popular referral choice for doctors and healthcare professionals
Welcome to Bellegrove Healthcare, specializing in Diabetic Testing Supplies. We have been exceeding the needs of our customers with diabetes since 1976. Our reputation, built on years of experience, has made us a popular and reliable referral choice for doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals. We carry a full line of Diabetic Testing products to help you manage your diabetes as well as maintain a healthy lifestyle. Bellegrove Healthcare is here to provide the personal support you need for diabetes management. Regardless if you are diabetic or know someone who is a diabetic, it is important to know that you are in the best of care with Bellegrove!
Medicare Customers
Medicare allows you to receive up to a three month supply of testing supplies.We will file your Medicare claims for you, and if you have secondary insurance, we will file your Medicare co-pays and deductible to your secondary insurance before payment (if any) is due. (Co-pays and deductibles may apply). Please note that on July 1st, 2013 Medicare launched a National Mail Order Program which may limit where you can get your mail order diabetic testing supplies. Please call us at (800) 446-2123 for more information.
Private Insurance Customers
If your testing supplies are covered under a major medical benefit, we will file your insurance claims for you, and if you have secondary insurance, we will file your insurance co-pays and deductible to your secondary insurance before payment (if any) is due. (Co-pays and deductibles may apply).
Prescription Card Customers
If your testing supplies are covered under a prescription benefit, we will file your insurance claims for you, however your portion of deductibles, co-insurance or co-pays are due before the order is shipped.